Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Atempo partners with OVHcloud

AtempoAtempo, a long time player in data protection, continues its journey towards the cloud with a new partnership with the cloud giant OVHcloud.

The idea is to offer Atempo data backup and preservation solution around Tina, Miria and Lina and promotes a sovereign French cloud.

It's an example of the clear strategy to stay independent from US giant clouds and guarantee that data stay within the France perimeter.

Again, a very good initiative that continues to remind me what the french government has made with Numergy and Cloudwatt...

At the same time, OvHcloud picks Zerto for DR needs.

On the OVHcloud side, I'm still surprised that the cloud provider continues to promote Ceph for cloud storage essentially with a block and object storage. Swift is dead so why continue with that even if it's open source. And there is no file storage in the offering, CephFS is not mentioned....

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