Thursday, October 21, 2021

Bamboo surfs on the ARM wave promoting a radical change for data centers

Bamboo Systems, an emerging server company, continues to promote an ARM-based architecture to address the green IT challenge pushed by United Nations and the coming COP in Glasgow. ARM has the vertue to deliver an interesting cost/power ratio and it should represents a significant processor market portion in the next few years. The recent Bamboo session during The IT Press Tour was a real opportunity to get a update on the company, its product strategy and market traction.

This is sustained by a few key industry movements such NVidia acquisition of ARM for $40B and Microsoft Azure decision to deploy 50% of ARM-based servers. ARM is already well adopted and should be adopted widely in the data center in addition to edge. More and more software are ported and make available on ARM processors making them a real alternative of x86 with especially open source solutions like Linux OS, Kubernetes, Ceph, MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Elastic or Apache projects. Of course the list is small but it will grow for sure.

The company offers today the B1000N based on NXP processor and plans to announce 2 new models the B1000A/B2000A and B1000AX/B2000AX both powered by Ampere Altra chips. As the slide below shows, ARM-based architecture delivers gains in multiple dimensions.

So we expect to learn more about these new products when we'll meet the company during the coming January IT Press Tour.


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